So much to do . . . so little time! But I have managed to crank out a few cute pieces of jewelry. I can't believe Christmas will be here in less than 2 weeks. I'm not ready!!!
First up - my sister was in town last week and so we made this cute chain and pearl multi-strand bracelet (thanks to Bev from Flamingo Toes for the tutorial).
Of course, I had to have one of my own. Love it!!!
I also absolutely LoVe my Anthropologie inspired Gumball necklace and have had lots of comments on it when I wear it. So I thought I would throw together another one in different colors. You really have to see this one on a real person to appreciate it.
And I needed a Christmas present for someone (who shall remain nameless). As I was pawing through a bag of beads I came across these beautifully colored shell pearls. A few chains later and we have this great bracelet to give.
Ok - after I catch up on some sleep tonight, I have a few more projects in the works . . . and I have made a decision - a big one! I vow to myself to start on Christmas projects for next year right away! There really was so much I wanted to do for this year - if I get started now, maybe I'll be ready for next year. Think it will actually happen?
I did put up my hand-painted Precious Moments inspired Nativity set tonight. I've had it for years and years - and never once put it out. There are just a few animal pieces left to paint and a few of the painted pieces still needs their eyes painted. But I put them up anyway - and I love them. Pictures to come!
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