Post #2 of 3:
Robot Shapes - more velcro shapes that form a robot puzzle. Other than sewing velcro on all these little pieces, this was a really easy page - just outline the shapes and words in black sharpie. Hint - print and/or trace your original on a regular piece of typing paper (am I the only person who still calls it "typing" paper?). Then use a light box or the window to trace the lines on to your Pellon. Then write over it with sharpie marker and/or colored pencils.

Rocket/Spaceship - I was lazy here. The only movable piece on this page is the rocket. It velcros on to the page and can be taken off and "flown" around. Yet another hint - on pieces that I want to be stiff and not bendable, I use heat & bond on the back of the felt (it's easy to make the pieces colorful with colored felt). Then I iron the cut-out colored felt pieces on to black felt. Then cut a narrow border on the black felt around the colored felt piece and ta da, you have a stiffer piece. I don't do this for every piece - only some.
Shapes - these shapes are buttoned on to the page. Son #1 has just mastered buttoning.

Fish Bowl - this is another favorite page for my boys. I used clear plastic and sewed it on top of the colored part of the page (be sure to tuck some together at the bottom to leave a wide opening at the top for little hands to fit inside). Gotta grab those fish somehow! The fish are just felt - although thinking about it right now, I wish I would have made these stiffer with the double layer as described above. They get bent up a lot.
Peek-A-Boo - this page came from the class I took. But I remember having a page similar to this in my growing-up quiet book. The hands are sewn on to the page at the "wrist". That way the hands can be flopped up and down to reveal the picture. Son #2 still yells out Peek-A-Boo whenever he plays with this page. We're working on quiet voices at church still, obviously!
Counting Bugs - this was fun page from my class. The bug net is netting sewn on to a small embroidery hoop and then the hoop is partially sewn on to the page so that little hands can reach in and out of the net. We have lots of bugs (colored cardstock that was laminated for extra strength) that live in this net.
Clock - this was a page I really wanted to do, although neither of my kids is currently worried about telling time. Besides, everything is digital now isn't it? Anyway . . . another easy page with a brad in the center so that the hour and minute hands can independently move on the clock.
The Pocket - colored felt with an opening at the top of the pocket part and a button flap . . . super easy. We are currently storing a pad of paper and golf pencil inside for drawing.
Tic Tac Toe - my apologies to my neighbors that we sit with at church. Many an adult on our bench has been patient and kind to play tic tac toe with son #1 lately. Sometimes they even let him win. Here is another good example of when I thought it was important to have stiff pieces so I used colored felt that I bonded to black felt.
Train - this is probably my most sentimental page. This is a nearly exact copy of a page from my grandmother's book. My boys love trains so this is a huge favorite for them too. The pieces snap on and off. I love to put the pieces in the wrong order - they get after me about the engine and cars and smoke being in the "right" places! This page always makes me think of grandma C.
Ok - the last post of pages is coming in a few days.
Would you please send me your robot template, It is so cute!
How did you do the writing oin each page?
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