I'm still alive and crafting a little bit, here and there. A new job has really taken up my time and I haven't had the energy to do too much. But I'm trying to get myself back into the swing of my crafting life - because it does my soul good!
My boys just finished school a week ago. With both my husband and I having been classroom teachers for quite a few years, we try hard to give teacher gifts that can actually be used and are things that teachers will like - - - and more often than not, that means gift cards! It may not be super crafty or cute-sy, but teachers can only take so many mugs or cute little gifts. Gift cards are where it's at! For the end of school, we do try to also add in something homemade from the boys, usually something "rock" related. This year that was necklaces with beautiful stones for each of the lady teachers.
I found these really cute printables for Amazon gift cards at Fabulessly Frugal. I love when people are willing to share their talents and creativity with us, for free! I simply printed them out on some 5x7" photo paper I had laying around and used some glue dots to attach the gift cards.
Super easy and really cute. But most important - hopefully personal and yet useable and appreciated by those hard working teachers that spent the year teaching and working with my boys.
I have a pile of mending sitting in front of my sewing machine waiting for me to get to. And then I have a few projects in mind. More to come, soon, I hope!