I really have been busy - - not so much crafting lately, but dreaming of crafting mostly. Oh and I've been doing a lot of creative cooking lately. I seem to be domestic in waves - sewing, cooking, painting, jewelry-making, etc. Is anyone else like that?
I have been stalking Etsy lately for a cute Valentine's garland and I finally found what I wanted. Thanks to Oh Sew Sweet Creations, I now have this cute felt heart garland hanging from my otherwise empty mantle. I just can't figure out how I want to decorate my mantle, but the garland is sure cute (even though it is temporary).
Source (Oh Sew Sweet Creations)

Cooking wise - I really have gotten out of my comfort zone lately. I have been doing some bread making - a loaf of brioche (that I used for lobster rolls, ala our summer trip to Maine), along with a couple of loaves of rosemary bread (ala Macaroni Grill) - no pics of either of those - - we ate them too quickly.
I love pancakes and I love to try different kinds of pancakes. My all time favorite still has to be German pancakes like my mom always made. But another strong favorite is Swedish pancakes and I came across this great and easy recipe over at Stitchery Dickory Dock. I quickly learned to make them in a small round saute-type pan rather than on a griddle, and they really were yummy!

Source (Stitchery Dickory Dock)
And finally, I'm not a big pepper (of any variety) fan - never have been, probably still will never be. But I was at a working lunch earlier this week and decided to be brave and try a jalapeno popper that was on the table for the taking. It was quite tasty. So I decided to be brave and browse for jalapeno popper-like recipes. I came across this one from the Pioneer Woman. Easy - and it looked good. And you can't beat the name: Bacon-wrapped jalapeno thingies! I made a big batch of them this afternoon to take over to a Super Bowl party. They were a hit. And I even ate a few of them. It was really the luck of the draw - some peppers were mild and some blew my socks off (and I spent some time really cleaning each one of them out). But overall, they were easy and it feels good to get out of my zone. 

Source (the Pioneer Woman)
Now let's see if I can get my crafting mo-jo back sometime soon!
1 comment:
Hey send me the recipe for the brioche...I thought I sent a comment earlier like Sunday but I guess it didn't post, thats where I was telling you about the bread bowl.
You should grow rosemary and jalapenos this summer and then you wouldn't have to buy any!!!
I got spinach all celery and most of the herbs going already, the store had tomatoes out already you could buy too...crazy
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