Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Yummy Gooey Caramels

One of my most favorite things in the whole world is gooey, chewy, ooey caramels.  I've always wanted to learn how to make them but never had the chance.  Maybe a year ago, I decided to just jump in with both feet and try out a recipe on my own - the outcome wasn't great.  Well this year I came across another recipe that seemed too good to be true.  Make It - Love It's Microwave Sea Salt Caramel recipe was everything she promised it would be!  I made it WITHOUT the added salt - no need for more sodium in my life, plus my family wouldn't have touched them with the salt on top (hum, maybe I should have added the salt :-)).  Anyway - I've successfully made two batches within the last week and both have turned out sooooo good!  It is ridiculously easy!  Put the ingredients in a bowl, pop it in the microwave, stir every two minutes (have son #1 watch the time - good practice for his digital time-telling skills), and dump it in a baking dish when it is done.  Seriously easy!  My kind of recipe.  Here is my version of the recipe (without the sea salt on top):

Microwave Caramels
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
Combine all ingredients in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 7 minutes, stirring every two minutes.  Pour mixture into a generously greased 8 inch square baking dish.  Then let cool in the fridge for 45 minutes or until hardened. Then peel out of the pan - or eat straight out of the pan if you're desperate! - and place on a sheet of wax paper. Then slice into pieces with a buttered knife and place on a plate (keep them separate) or wrap in small pieces of wax paper.

I'm not a food blogger or a fancy food photographer but here are some pics of my last batch:

Seriously - look at that gooey rectangle of buttery, sugary goodness!!!  Mmmmmmmm!

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